
Kumpulan Penelitian (Artikel Ilmiah) Wawan Gunawan, S.Kom., M.T.

Wawan Gunawan, S.Kom., M.T.
Imbalanced Data NearMiss for Comparison of SVM and Naive Bayes Algorithms
10 November 2024 14:11:07 0 Comments Artikel Ilmiah 4 Administrator

Imbalanced Data NearMiss for Comparison of SVM and Naive Bayes Algorithms

Imbalanced Data NearMiss for Comparison of SVM and Naive Bayes Algorithms Wawan Gunawan , Yudo Devianto , Anggi Puspita Sari Abstract The study aims to improve the diagnosis, management, and prevention of HIV/AIDS by using classification algorithms. The dataset used consists of 707,379 records and 89 columns. Data preprocessing includes removing irrelevant attributes, handling inconsistencies, and balancing the data using the NearMiss method, resulting in a balanced p........... Baca selengkapnya...

Implementasi Rekomendasi Content Based Filtering dan Apriori Berbasis Android
10 November 2024 14:11:44 0 Comments Artikel Ilmiah 4 Administrator

Implementasi Rekomendasi Content Based Filtering dan Apriori Berbasis Android

Implementasi Rekomendasi Content Based Filtering dan Apriori Berbasis Android Latif Dwi Mardani, Wawan Gunawan   Abstract   Proban Motoparts merupakan sebuah toko retail dan jasa yang bergerak dibidang otomotif dengan menjual beberapa produk suku cadang untuk sepeda motor. Banyaknya variasi produk yang ada di Proban Motoparts, membuat pelanggan merasa kesulitan saat memilih produk yang dibutuhkan. Solusi dari kendala tersebut adalah dengan implementasi sistem rekomen........... Baca selengkapnya...

Kombinasi algoritma base64 dan caesar cipher pada aplikasi
10 May 2024 17:05:37 0 Comments Artikel Ilmiah 461 Administrator

Kombinasi algoritma base64 dan caesar cipher pada aplikasi

Hasil penelitian kerjasama dengan dosen UMB dengan judul Kombinasi algoritma base64 dan caesar cipher pada aplikasi   Digital information systems must also pay attention to data security because it is confidential, there are many problems with data security which result in loss of data or damage caused by irresponsible parties. This research will combine the BASE64 and CAESAR CIPHER algorithms in applications to maintain the security of financial data so that it cannot be seen by user........... Baca selengkapnya...

Investigating DDOS attacks on metro network
10 May 2024 17:05:38 0 Comments Artikel Ilmiah 558 Administrator

Investigating DDOS attacks on metro network

Diikutsertakan oleh Prof. Rahmat beserta mahasiswanya dengan judul artikel Investigating DDOS attacks on metro network   A broad increase in data consumption in society and industry trigger network operators looking to upgrade their metro networks with higher bandwidth requirements. Service providers and operators are challenged to find a simple, the most efficient and cost-effective way of meeting the demand with new speeds and standards on the horizon. Distributed Denial of Service ........... Baca selengkapnya...

Portofolio kami

Team kami

Wawan Gunawan, S.Kom., M.T. Programmer

Wawan Gunawan, S.Kom., M.T.

M. Rizki Awaludin Programmer

M. Rizki Awaludin

Muhammad Sodiq Romadhoni Programmer

Muhammad Sodiq Romadhoni