
Prediction of Cross-Platform and Native Apps Technology Opportunities for Beginner Developers Using

Wawan Gunawan, S.Kom., M.T.
Prediction of Cross-Platform and Native Apps Technology Opportunities for Beginner Developers Using
26 December 2023 18:12:53 0 Comments Artikel Ilmiah 238 Administrator

Prediction of Cross-Platform and Native Apps Technology Opportunities for Beginner Developers Using

Akhirnya terbit lagi untuk persiapan Lektor Kepala dengan judul: Prediction of Cross-Platform and Native Apps Technology Opportunities for Beginner Developers Using C 4.5 and Naive Bayes Algorithms


The competition between native and cross-platform app development makes application development simpler, safer, and more scalable. However, this makes developers must have sufficient fundamentals and the industry must conduct good research to shorten development time and minimize expenses. In order to solve these problems, this study made a prediction that discusses the technology that has a chance to survive in the industry so as not to be left behind in technology. The use of Naïve Bayes and C 4.5 algorithms into a dataset that has 9 programming languages related to mobile app development. Results obtained in This research is Dart as a programming language that supports cross-platform frameworks and Kotlin as a programming language that supports native apps frameworks is a technology that will have the opportunity in the future with an accuracy level above 90% with Naïve Bayes and C 4.5 algorithms. These results are obtained by considering the results of testing an algorithm model using MAPE, consistent dataset sharing, and careful data processing. Expected this research Can help entry-level developers learn and deepen the fundamentals of technology and can add knowledge to the industry in choosing a technology.

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Muhammad Sodiq Romadhoni Programmer

Muhammad Sodiq Romadhoni

Wawan Gunawan, S.Kom., M.T. Programmer

Wawan Gunawan, S.Kom., M.T.

M. Rizki Awaludin Programmer

M. Rizki Awaludin